“Graham has the confidence of the Director, Capital Works and Facilities and specific members of the team he is coaching. His approach is structured, well thought out and in line with business requirements”

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Contact Us

Coaching Resources International

3 Spring Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: 02 9060 6412
Mobile: 0419 705 363


Code of Ethics

We undertake to:

  • Accept reasonable, foreseeable consequences of our actions and endeavour to ensure that our services are used appropriately.
  • Not offer advice or undertake work beyond our professional competence.
  • Not misrepresent our competencies, qualifications, training or experience.
  • Not intentionally mislead or make false claims about what will be achieved from the coaching/mentoring process.
  • Ensure that the nature of coaching/mentoring is understood at all times and the terms of the coaching/mentoring agreement are clear and unambiguous.
  • Honour agreements made in our coaching/mentoring relationships.
  • Always treat our clients with dignity and respect and be sensitive to cultural, gender and role differences and the impact of those on the coaching/mentoring relationships and to not act in a discriminatory manner nor condone discriminatory practices on the basis of these differences.
  • Disclose all anticipated compensation from third parties that we may receive for referrals or advice.
  • Respect confidentiality at all times except as otherwise authorised, or as required by law.
  • Reveal information about our relationships to others only with written consent.
  • Maintain confidentiality in the access, storage and disposal of coaching/mentoring session records.
  • Obtain permission before releasing names or references or any other identifying information.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Be mindful of the legal context in which we work, our obligations in this regard and our obligations to all stakeholders in the coaching/mentoring relationship.